Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!!!

What a week it has been! I officially finished the school year on Wednesday. I packed up my classroom and moved LOTS of boxes home. Much to Kevin's dismay, the boxes are now sitting in our garage for at least a year. Sorry! I tried to give some stuff away but as any teacher will tell you, it is hard to part with 5 years worth of materials. Who knows the next time I will need a glue stick, number puzzle or literacy game... It was sad to say goodbye to my students and colleagues but I am very excited for the adventures ahead!

On Thursday I had my 37 week doctors appointment. Dr. Pric told me that I am now effaced 80% and dilated 2.5 cm. The progress continues!!! Although I am feeling the sense of urgency to get things done before the Baby arrives, I am also preparing myself that it could be a few weeks. The unknown is very hard for me. I am a planner, I like to be prepared for things and I don't really like surprises. So as you can imagine, the unknown date of arrival is driving me crazy!!! I have my next appointment on Friday so I will keep you updated.

On Tuesday afternoon, the out of town family started to arrive for my Grandma Davis' 90th birthday celebration. We had about 35 people at my parents house for the weekend. Relatives came from South Dakota, Denver, San Fransisco, Iowa, Dallas, and Kansas to celebrate. It was a wild weekend!!! We went from one activity to the next including: golf, lunch dates, a BBQ, a birthday party, dinner at Biaggi's and a baby shower. Kevin and I also attended a wedding in between two of the events. It was a fun and crazy weekend. It was so great to see everyone and spend time as a family. The weather was beautiful and we spent lots of time outside laughing around the campfire. Seeing everyone makes me wish we all lived a little closer so we could get together more often. We feel so blessed to have such a fun and loving family!

On Sunday morning, the ladies gathered together for a Baby shower at Santorini's in Eden Prairie. It was a beautiful shower with great food, wonderful favors and amazing gifts. Thanks to everyone who came a special thanks to Linda for putting it all together. Baby Allen is a very lucky little guy!!!


  1. I would appreciate it if you could have Baby Allen around 1:12 pm on June 21st. Thanks, love you.

  2. That previous comment was from Uncle Andy.

  3. I love your blog- it is so fun to see your family's important events through your eyes. The pictures are so fun. We are hoping that little baby Allen will want to come to the Nelson gathering. Love you, Pam O.

  4. I remember what I was feeling like a year ago! The unknown is scary, but it is SO EXCITING when you finally realize that you are in labor and "today is the day!" I am so excited and happy for you! You look amazing!
    Elizabeth Maxwell
