Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Breakfast with a 2 year old...

This is how our breakfast conversation went today...

Me: Leo, time to eat breakfast
Leo: I want to watch Cars
Me: No, we are not watching TV
Leo: I want fruit snacks
Me: No, we are having breakfast food, do you want cereal?
Leo: I want a Bagel
Me: Ok, sit in your seat
Leo: No I don't want to sit, I want to stand in my seat
Me: Here is your bagel, sit in your seat
Leo: I want cereal
Me: What kind?
Leo: Mama choose
Me: Here are some cheerios
Leo: I want crispix
Me: Here are your crispix
Leo: I like cheerios better
Leo: Can I watch cars yet?
Me: Sigh...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quick picture update...

We've had a busy, blissful and blessed holiday season! I've taken a ton of pictures but haven't had the energy to download most of them... here are a few from the past month!