Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day of School

Posing for pictures before the first day of class

Leo and I started our ECFE class last week. He is in the "ones" class this year which means that there is partial separation between the parents and the kids. Leo has some separation anxiety issues so I was not sure how the class would go. He did great during the play time, circle time and snack time but when the parents left the room he panicked. He started to search for me and then began to cry. Really hard. The teacher finally showed him where I was and he snuggled with me for awhile before I brought him back to the toys and the other kids. Every time I brought him out of the parent room he would cry or find me again. I was sweating by the time the class was over. I left feeling frustrated and discouraged. I hardly even learned the names of the other moms because I was so busy keeping Leo happy. I came home and started to research separation anxiety and everything I read told me that it is just a phase and there isn't a lot you can do to change it. I HOPE that this phase passes quickly. I know he would have so much fun at school if he could just relax and enjoy. Maybe next week will go better...


  1. Hey Laura,

    I'm so glad you enjoy ECFE. We've really enjoyed the classes we've been able to take. We went through some separation anxiety with Jacob around 15 months, because we switched from home daycare to Montessori. Hard stuff. They get through it. An ECFE teacher in Chaska told us to fill his love cup each day and keep saying, "Mommy always comes back.Mommy always comes back." Within a few weeks, he was better. Good luck!

  2. Sara went through the same thing when we had to switch daycares, and it was SO hard to watch. She finally figured out that we would always come get her, that it was a safe place, etc. I think it's just hard for them when they don't recognize the faces of the teachers or other kids, and on top of that, they can't find mom or dad. He'll get through it (and so will you!)... just give it some time. Today Sara screamed when it was time to leave school ... pretty soon Leo will be doing the same thing, and then you'll be trying to not feel offended! :)

  3. Oh Laura, I know the feeling! Doesn't it just break your heart? It won't be long and your heart will be breaking because it's harder on you to leave him. They grow so quickly. It will get better...hope that happens soon! Take care...Leo just keeps getting CUTER!!! :)
