Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome Claire Ann Meyer!

Our good friends Brian and Meggie Meyer had a beautiful baby girl on Jan. 29th. Kevin and I went to the hospital to visit and meet sweet Claire. She is an adorable baby with lots of dark hair. It was so fun to meet her after 9 months of waiting! It made us very excited to meet Baby Allen. I know that they will be good buddies! Congrats Brian and Meggie!


  1. Thanks Kevin and Laura! We can't wait to find out whether they will be best of friends or if we have to keep little boy Allen away from Claire:) Also, we love the hat...Laura is so talented and maybe pyschic since we didn't know gender and she only knit a pink on!
    PS. The baby bump is beautiful, you need create space for the 10 lbs Allen!

  2. What a doll - I love all the hair! Is that the hat you made? I'm impressed ... SO cute!

  3. Congratulations Meyer's!!

