Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Leo has outgrown his 9 month fleece jammies but it is IMPOSSIBLE to find 12 month fleece jammies in the spring. Had I know this, I would have stocked up last winter. Now I can only find shorts and short sleeve PJ's. Leo bounces around like crazy during the night and would never keep a blanket on so I try to dress him super warm (onesie, sox and footie jammies). Luckily Kathy found a few pairs of cotton footie jammies which will be perfect this summer (thanks!) My neighbor Alli has a little boy named Bennett who is 2 1/2 and she borrowed me a few pairs of 12 month fleecies. When she handed me the firetruck ones, she said that they were her favorite, they are so darn cute!!! Thanks Alli and Bennett for sharing your jammies with us!

1 comment:

  1. Sure Laura "Nora"! Arent those firetruck ones just the cutest!
